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Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break, Yeah Right

So far, I'm not getting much of a break for "Spring Break." I have been finishing up homework assignments, I've worked every day this weekend, and when I got home from work today, I found that my house had been trashed by little children and my boyfriend. I refuse to clean that. I clean my messes, he can clean his.

I have at least three major homework assignments due next week, so I don't even have the illusion that I can do nothing for the whole break. I really want to do nothing, though.

I also have twenty pages of fiction work due by the end of the term, several books to read, and a twenty to twenty-five page academic paper that I will have to start after this so-called break. Yuck!

I really should just lock myself away for the week with my computer and my coffee pot.

Unfortunately, I will not get much of a break for "Spring Break," but on the up side, this semester will be over in about a month and a half...let the countdown to summer begin!

1 comment:

  1. It should be called Spring 'catch up on all the crap I didn't do before, and then work 80 hours because you aren't in school' Break.
