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Sunday, February 28, 2010

"It's the end of the world as we know it..."

2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and many other movies in the past decade or two have played with the idea that the world is going to be wiped out by a series of natural disasters. I'm definitely not planning on joining a religious-fanatic-suicide cult any time soon, but natural disasters do seem to be getting closer and closer together. The tsunami in Sri Lanka in 2004 was followed the next year by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Now, five years after Katrina, we have had four natural disasters in less than two months. Three of those occurred in the last couple of days. January 12th, Haiti was hit by a 7.0 magnitude earth quake. Yesterday, February 27th, Chile was struck by an 8.8 magnitude quake early in the morning and nearby islands ("Robinson Crusoe" islands) were the first to be hit by the resulting tsunami. The tsunami also hit New Zealand and Hawaii (there wasn't as much impact as people expected), and there were higher than normal waves along parts of the coasts of California and Central America. Earlier today, France and other countries of Western Europe had to deal with a cyclone (a hurricane that spins the opposite direction), which caused flooding and even deaths.

Issues with Local Issues

I don't know why, but I felt that writing a local editorial was the hardest thing I've done in this class. The national editorial wasn't terrible, but I was still trying to figure out how to write an editorial at that point. The state editorial was quite enjoyable because I thought my topic was hilarious. The local editorial...

I think the biggest difficulty in writing a local editorial was that I really wanted to write about topics that would have been good column material. I can't say that I was completely disinterested in the hospital debate, but I had a hard time forcing myself to write from an editorial standpoint. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure that I did. I do think that CHI executives should come to Good Samaritan and let the doctors show them what needs to be done, but right now, I can only hope that qualifies as an editorial stand.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Executives of Catholic Health Initiatives Should Go Undercover in Kearney

According to TV by the Numbers, the premier episode of Undercover Boss was the “biggest new series premier on television since 1987” as well as “the most watched reality series premier ever,” with “38.6 million viewers.” However, certain Kearney residents must be wondering whether the leaders of Catholic Health Initiatives were among that extensive viewing audience.

For several months now, 40 local doctors have been fighting for the right to build a new hospital in Kearney because they are dissatisfied with the administration at Good Samaritan Hospital, a subsidiary of Catholic Health Initiatives. Recently, CHI has made several decisions that have had negative effects on Kearney residents and has put off making decisions that could have a positive impact in Kearney.

According to last October’s Kearney Hub article “Good Samaritan Plan Doesn’t Sway Doctors,” CHI instituted a round of layoffs at Good Samaritan 2 weeks before Christmas, cut nurses’ benefits, shut down the outreach clinic in Ravenna, and closed the privately funded Healthy Living Center. In the current legal debate over whether to postpone building Kearney Regional Medical Center, Kearney cardiologist Sean Denney complained of 35 year old operating rooms, outdated anesthesia equipment that is still in use because CHI has not paid to replace it, and an unfinished renovation that was simply dropped because the company claimed to lack the funds.

Interestingly, CHI announced plans to spend 65 million dollars on renovations and equipment as soon as 40 of their own doctors publicly proclaimed that they plan to build a competing hospital, Kearney Regional Medical Center. Denney, chairman of physician investors of KRM, showed his lack of faith in the CHI reforms by implying that the declared changes will not take place for more than 30 years if they are ever made at all.

Perhaps the corporate leaders of CHI should take a lesson from the owner of Waste Management, Inc and other corporate bosses who have appeared on CBS’s new reality show Undercover Boss. If the bosses at CHI actually come to Kearney and learn about the issues at Good Samaritan, they might decide to do what local doctors are asking: replace outdated equipment, renovate old operating rooms, finish building projects they’ve started, and most importantly, invest more of the money that comes from Kearney back into Kearney. Kearney residents should start writing to the producers of Undercover Boss because national media attention tends to drive corporate bosses toward humanitarian efforts.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Good Sam Seeks Good Publicity

Although I feel that Susie Herges is doing a great thing by collecting shoes for the children of Haiti, I am intrigued by a statement in "Show You Care With A Pair" (Kearney Hub article, 20 February 2010): "Good Samaritan Hospital has agreed to be the corporate sponsor of [Herges] campaign." With all the negative publicity surrounding Good Sam after the recent layoffs and the sudden prospect of Kearney Regional Medical Center on the horizon, the hospital must be looking for a way to restore its "good" name.

While Good Samaritan laid off 32 people and closed its Healthy Living Center in January, the hospital's administration suddenly came up with $65 million to revamp the cardiology unit after about 40 doctors decided to open their own hospital because they could not get Good Samaritan's administrators to agree to update the cardiology equipment. Though Good Sam's administrators have made public statments to counteract their comparison to a corrupt politician, by supporting a charitable cause, their actions may speak louder than their words.

Are Local Doctors Building Castles in the Sky?

Though the conflict about building the Kearney Regional Medical Center has been a huge local news item in recent months, I'm curious as to whether it will actually be built. 40 Doctors proposed to build Kearney Regional because they had a disagreement over outdated technology with Good Samaritan. As soon as the doctors made the proposal, Good Samaritan proposed a $65 million improvement plan which would include new equipment and much more. According to the Kearney Hub article "Good Samaritan Plan Doesn't Sway Doctors," the doctors who want to build Kearney Regional still want to build because they don't like the way Good Sam handled the situation; however, the doctors are having trouble getting the city council to approve a zoning change for the area where they want to build. In fact, a bill will be discussed this week that may put off the option of building Kearney Regional for two years...or possibly indefinitely. It appears that the future of Kearney Regional is in the hands of the local politicians, and so far they've been playing hot-potato.

New Hospital, New Offices, and New Assisted Living Facility

In the plans for the new hospital, Kearney Regional Medical Center, doctors have proposed zoning for a new assisted living facility in addition to the hospital and its offices. However, Kearney already has at least six large assisted living facilities - including the two-story Northridge Senior Living Facility - as well as several smaller assisted living facilities. The forty doctors who want to build Kearney Regional are dissatisfied with the way Catholic Health Initiatives runs Good Samaritan, so I understand why they want to build a new hospital, but what reason do they have to build yet another assisted living facility?

Cardiologist Ahmed C. Kutty is satisfied working at Good Samaritan and he claims that these other doctors want to build a for-profit hospital because they are greedy. The fact that these doctors want to create a space for another assisted living facility that Kearney doesn't really need seems to support Kutty's claim; however, at this point, no one has asked the doctors for Kearney Regional how they feel about Good Samaritan's assisted living facility. Perhaps, the doctors who want to open Kearney Regional believe that those who run Good Sam are not respecting their elders.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Superbowl...super.

Some people would do just about anything to watch the Superbowl - I would do just about anything to avoid it. This year I actually did my homework while my boyfriend sat in the other room yelling at the TV and complaining about how weird some of the comercials were. I'm sorry, but I really don't see anything super about the Superbowl or football in general. Sure the uniforms make their butts look big, but I bet that even Sir Mix-A-Lot is bored with big butts by now...maybe...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Nebraska Could Run on Manure - Literally

All those who live in Nebraska, as well as many who live outside the Cornhusker state, know that Nebraska's economy relies on corn and cows. However, for a good number of Nebraskans, the smell of manure is not the smell of money. Unfortunately, those of us who do not receive a direct financial benefit from the cows in the state still have to deal with the smell of the more than one thousand feedlots on record with Nebraska's Department of Agriculture. Since farmers in the state are not likely to give up their feedlots any time in the foreseeable future, the Nebraska Public Power District should look into the potential for using manure-derived methane as an energy source.

Another general bit of knowledge about Nebraska is that we get our electricity from coal-burning power plants. Although the NPPD is slowly beginning to tap into wind power, Nebraska’s community-based power production system has overlooked another potentially endless source of energy in the state: manure. Under correct feedlot conditions, manure produces methane, which is both the major component of natural gas and a cleaner-burning fuel than coal according to

In fact, one ethanol plant in Mead, Nebraska has begun to use the methane from some of Nebraska's manure in a unique way. The Genesis plant is actually an ethanol plant attached to a feed lot. Essentially, an article in The Farmer explains that the corn byproduct from ethanol production gets fed directly to the cows in the attached feedlot, the cow manure produces methane through an anaerobic process, and the methane powers the ethanol plant. In this system, the plant produces its own methane rather than buying natural gas.

Potentially, if all Nebraska feedlots were equipped to turn manure into methane, Nebraska could replace some or all of the energy produced from coal with cleaner energy produced from methane. Although the NPPD is developing wind energy, an article in the Omaha World Herald claims that we will be exporting at least some of this energy to "big-population centers." If the NPPD is going to market wind energy, they could potentially earn more money, and therefore decrease energy costs for Nebraskans, by utilizing energy from methane as well as from wind. If Nebraska receives power from feedlot-produced methane, the smell of the feedlots may be a little more tolerable for those of us who are not cattle farmers.

Farms Could Be Environmentally Friendly Energy Producers

All those who live in Nebraska, as well as many who live outside the Cornhusker state, know that Nebraska's economy relies on corn and cows. Unfortunately, those of us who do not receive a direct financial benefit from the cows in the state still have to deal with the smell of the 1000+ feedlots on record with Nebraska's Department of Agriculture. For a good number of Nebraskans, the smell of manure is not the smell of money, but we are not likely to get rid of them any time in the foreseeable future.

Most Nebraskans also know that we get our electricity from coal-burning power plants. Although the Nebraska Public Power District, or NPPD, is slowly beginning to tap into wind power, NPPD has overlooked another potentially endless source of energy in the state - manure. Under the correct conditions, manure produces methane, which is both the major component of natural gas and a cleaner-burning fuel than coal according to

In fact, one ethanol plant in Mead, Nebraska has begun to use the methane from some of Nebraska's manure in a unique way. The Genesis plant is actually an ethanol plant attached to a feed lot. Essentially, an article in The Farmer explains that the corn byproduct from ethanol production gets fed directly to the cows in the attached feedlot, the cow manure produces methane through an anaerobic process, and the methane powers the ethanol plant. In this system, the plant produces its own methane rather than buying natural gas.

Potentially, if all Nebraska feedlots were equipped to turn manure into methane, Nebraska could replace coal with methane. Although the NPPD is developing wind energy, an article in the Omaha World Herald claims that we will be exporting at least some of this energy to "big-population centers." If the NPPD is going to market wind energy, they could potentially earn more money for the state and decrease energy costs for Nebraskans by utilizing energy from methane as well as from wind. The NPPD should look into developing methane power in Nebraska.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A report from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln discusses the effects of using manure from feed lots to enrich compost. Apparently this process could be a very beneficial way to remove manure from feed lots. According to the report, composting removes some of the moisture, and therefore some of the weight from manure, which makes it more movable. This may open up new markets for selling manure-based compost rather than straight manure. The report also implies that turning manure into compost helps keep nitrogen out of the ground water because the nitrogen is bound to the compost more strongly than it is bonded to the manure itself. My favorite part of the report says that composting helps reduce the odor of the manure. I know that compost doesn't smell like perfume, but it's not as bad the smell that comes from feedlots.

This report also explains why composting feed lot manure is not an attractive option for all farmers. The main reason UNL researchers give is that manure-based compost has less nitrogen than straight manure, which makes it a less effective fertilizer. The process of making manure-based compost is strongly affected by weather and it appears that the weather may have skewed the results for the worse in this particular report.

How do feed lots use manure?

I was not previously aware that the Genesis ethanol plant in Mead, Nebraska has been using the methane from cow manure to distill ethanol, and in turn, feeding the leftover corn mush to the cows. ("Nebraska Ethanol Plants Will Run Without Fossil Fuels"). The use of methane actually allows the plant to run without using fossil fuels and the people at E3 Biofuels claim that is process is highly environmentally friendly because it keeps methane, a greenhouse gas, out of the atmosphere. However, when methane is burned as a fuel, it produces carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas. I was shocked by that fact, so I dug a little further.

It turns out that, although carbon dioxide has given greenhouse gasses a bad name, "methane is over 20 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide" according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The symbiotic relationship between the Genesis ethanol plant and its attached feed lot isn't necessarily great for the environment, but it does reduce the impact of one feed lot.

While this new discovery of mine does not really redeem feed lots in my mind, I am growing more certain that feed lots are always going to be part of Nebraska's economy. Feed lots that serve a dual purpose like the one attached to the Genesis ethanol plant will come closer to maximizing their usefulness, but they will always smell like manure.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feed Lots...Yuck!

I'd like to start by saying I'm not a vegetarian. I don't have a problem with raising cows to eat them, I'm just not a huge fan of feed lots. I understand that feed lots are embedded in the economy of Nebraska. In fact, the Nebraska Department of Agriculture's web page states that "Nebraska's standard of living is more dependent on the cattle feeding industry [than Texas' and Iowa' standards of living]." The same web page also points out that Nebraska has more than 1000 feed lots. I happen to live in a town surrounded by feed lots and it is not a pleasant experience.
First of all, feed lots smell. Sometimes, the smell takes over the whole town, but it's always stronger as you get closer to the feed lot. Secondly, I find it disturbing to hear screaming cows when I walk to class. I keep wondering when someone in this town is going to write a script called Silence of the Cows. Thirdly, I know that feed lots have certain standards to meet when it comes to waste disposal and runoff, but most students at the University of Nebraska at Kearney as well as several UNK teachers will tell you that you don't drink unfiltered tap water in Kearney. Even if every single standard has been met, the water tastes awful. This may reflect a need for a re-evaluation of state standards, or it may branch into Nebraska's irrigation and corn-growing practices.
In regard to the first two issues I have mentioned, cattle farmers with grazing lands do not typically bring towns the same smell and sound pollution as feed lots because they are typically further from town. In terms of waste disposal, the grazing lands that I've seen are usually covered with cow pies, but grazing cattle have a much larger area in which to relieve themselves than feed lot cattle do. With the cow pies spread out, they can break down naturally rather than contributing to a giant cesspool. Overall, I think the grazing method causes fewer problems for people who live in towns in Nebraska. Even though feed lots are not likely to disappear from Nebraska, I would rather see more farmers with grazing cattle and fewer feed lots.